Modern warfront – tanks from Modern warships

According to repeated statements of the developers tanks in Modern warships should appear in 2024. It should be something unique and elaborate in the world of tank games.

Here is for example T-14 Armata with 125mm gun 2A82-1M.

Published May 26, 2023

T-14 Armata with 125mm gun 2A82-1M.

2S19 “Msta-S” with 2A64 152mm howitzer.

Published June 17, 2023

2S19 "Msta-S" with 2A64 152mm howitzer.
2S19 “Msta-S” with 2A64 152mm howitzer.

This same date showed some interesting mechanics on the drones

M1128 Stryker with M68A2 105mm cannon.

The article is supplemented as information from developers becomes available.


🟣Legendary. 🥇 European Champion in Modern Warships.

Articles: 19

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